Just like the red hands you see plastered round Ibrox . It's a badge, an identity - it's not about religion or a country of origin for most.. I'm a SCOTTISH Celtic fan and proud of it. I have no need to resort to religion or anything else for symbolism. Why do you have the Pope in your avator draped in red white & blue if it's all about the football for you?
how do you know he's not a ger, if its not about religion? why should the pope be more affiliated with celtic? hypocrite and the red hand is taken from a tale, told long before the reformation, between the ulster-Scot settlers who were fighting for land in ireland. know your history before posting, thank you very much.
how ever craig, it is nice to see a celt and a ger having an argument about the clubs rivalary without resorting to phrases like " you dirty orange bastard" and " fenian cunt " tis refreshing and you seem to know alot more than your average celt round here
Ridiculous post. What's your reasons for the avator then? Cause he might be a famous Rangers fan? Or because he's the head of the catholic church and draped in the Rangers colours. I'm not going to be drawn into an argument about Irish history and religion. Im a SCOTTISH Celtic fan and proud of that. I don't need to know the history of Ireland to be one either.
its not rediculous, you have posted that there is a link between celtic and catholisism. not me how do you know i'm not a catholic? why should the pope not dress in red white and blue? you are a scotish celtic fan, but i bet you have been decked in the tri-colour at some stage, again i say hypocrite
I agree. Most of mates are knuckledraggers. It's a shame in one sense from last nights results how were judged down south as most teams do get fvcked by united. The english league is no better in terms of being a 2 or 3 team league.
We could argue all night on that one - the link to catholism in my view is the picture of the pope himself not what I have posted. You know your reasons for having it AND honestly I've never owned a tri-colour athough I do admitt to singing rebel songs when caught in the moment which is hypocritical. :blush:
sure we all do it, those songs, however wrong, do get sung, and in the passion of the moment everyone sings it to either get the players going, or to get at the opposition and their fans. tho i do know all the words to the 'fields of athanry' Spelling*
There is a fine line between it turning into bigotry and hatred. I know I can sit with my friends and we can call each other all the names under the sun but it's all banter. I wouldn't however behave like that with people I don't know. What do you think of the whole Lennon scenario?
i agree, to many people jump on the 'Rivalary' bandwaggon and as for lennon, i think it is disgusting, i was at windsor that night, and was in the section of the crowd that was cheering him in the north stand, while the 'loyal' fans in the west stand were booing him, was ashamed to be northern irish that night. who needs away fans at northern ireland games?????????? as for threathening his life, it just shows the menality of some in belfast, there are scum on both sides there, both as bad as each other. they have grown up with such hatred that it is beyound belief. lennon is our best player by a mile, and to hound him out of the team is disgraceful, look at our current run of results, it is not a co-incidence at all. and those that did this to lennon deserve that, but it affects us ordinary fans
Definetly just as bad on both sides - Lennon, Amoruso, Bazza F to name a few have all had the Glesga ned bigotted treatment. Im glad it doesn't spill into the national team in Scotland, though not many old firm players are scottish these days.
i havent read the whole of this but if your on about celtic and rangers then what i have always wondered is why does everyone in engalnd seem to like celtic but hate rangers... all my friends used to like celtic so i used to say i preferred rangers so i got called glory supportr but it just seemed to 'fashionable' to supprt the second best team (ie celtic have been mostly for the last 12years) which i never understood...so i have continued on preferring rangers as everything else prefers celtic:spangled: