The similarities are overwhelming John prescott does look like Jabba.
Has to be kriss
Phil and james meet me and nat in the common room in about ten min
Your a dick He was always going to the leavers ball. And clearly you are a goth Phil has been a regular at promise and the message board. You...
Hand transplant. That could be expensive. Who would be the ideal donar for you? I recomend Mickey Mouse:D :D :D
:p :p :p
Top quality night well done PROMISE
Hello and welcome I am ant (as in the insect)
OH THAT'S VERY kIND OF U ANT , cHEERS !!:D [/B] I am a very kind person:D :D Are you goin to timo
They werent the nicest cards i have ever seen
Good evening and welcome This place is much nicer than any message board I will say hello if i see you out Ant:D :D
Not going. Never mind i will just have to stick to Creamfields
I forgot about safeway. Looks like the monkey is going to have to go
Sorry didnt mean to go personal. :D :D :D
Dont forget the eating an A4 piece of paper trick
Superhero. I didnt know Jimy neutron was a superhero. If he is i take it all back and my money will be on you
If you put it that way who am i to argue Have a good and fun time on the board
I will be there to watch. Clearly Phil is going to kick ten tonnes of shit out of you. :D :D :D
I feel forefilled for the day now i know i have the power to save the monkey
Get angry
Separate names with a comma.