Surely theres more of you out there going to crasher on Saturday the line ups class!!!
I think i can back you up there, cos if my memory serves me right i was there too. was John Kelly on aswell?
I have a season ticket for libary!!! They wont let me out til ive been a good boy! Help me!!!!
Talla at crasher next!!!!!!!!!!! With Tiesto, Our very own Matt Hardwick and Eddie Haliwell!!! Should be a good one, i'm guna be there! its my...
Why are you called what you are? Every one has thier own Board name, but why are you called that?? eg Crashjim, My mates named me it because...
It means look at me!! im a Turd!!!
Me and my funky crew will be coming from the boro! Watch out for my PERSONALISED PROMISE JEANS!!!!!
I know i got loads of shit for posting the John Kelly thread a while ago, but can i ask one question for personal reasons? did he play Hennes &...
The only reason i think he died is because one of you lot put something in his cage at an after party back at mine!! You cruel bastards!!! Only...
No but thier nocturnal beasts like me and only come awake at nite!! so if you are tired and want to sleep you can gauruntee they'll be running...
Promise have used a laser before, back in the early days it looked cool so yeah why not every week!
Ive not heard it but Murphy said it rocks!! He rekons that scot project are currently 'remixing dont stop moving'! I dont trust hamster's!! furry...
Murphy rekons he's into trance, but i caught him dancing to S Club 7 yesterday so ive banned him from his hamster ball for a week!
How cool are Hamsters! I got a hamster for christmas off my girlfriend and it sadley passed away so we dedicated last weeks messy session to...
Talla 2lxc This guy rocks!!! Dont know what the chances of getting him are? But ive seen him at Crasher loads of times before and he rocks....
I know this was posted a while ago but ive only just come across it. Smart E you asked how Promise compared to crasher at the Adephi. Promise...
Thats cool cheers!! Ive approached loads of records companies (not mentioning any in particular) and they get shirty with me over such matter's....
Dance Music Today????? Im doing my dissertation on 'the marketing of dance music and how it has become so segmented in order to reach a wider...
Sorry for starting a war I didnt mean to bring promise any harm by posting the John Kelly thing! I love the club and have been coming since the...
Whats your thoughts on John Kelly (edited by Smart E) Is it just me or has John Kelly become Shite? Went to the Shack to see him the other week...
Separate names with a comma.