if u let me!! :angel:
HAHAHAHA!!!!! well mr ostrich havnt we been a busy little boy editing my profile!!! :o :p sheeesh!!
glo poi's hurt sooooo much!!! :o when hit in the temple! ouch!!!!!! :evil: the uv ribbon type ones are mint!! havnt been allowed 2 try the...
haha!!! thats sooo funny!!!! :D :D :D so true 2 life part from me of course!!!! :evil: sir gurnalot - whatever or whoever gave u that...
awww bless yas all!! i know this looks like im jumping on the bandwagon but i HONESTLY have a dead sore throat 2!!! have already had my tonsils...
vuzz i really want to go 2 vuzz!!!! but im not sure if i can yet, stinky wk av made me work this sat at 8am!! hopefully tho... :p may be 2...
hehe!!glad u ok now dexta!! u forgot 1 thing, bou being bushed !! the massive beehives/birdhouses for huge huge killer bees!!! :O i had a...
hey lil lady!!!! that wasnt the luvleeey ride i dragged u on ya badmouthin isit?!?! i had a really gud time, esp 3-12!!! didnt relise how drunk i...
them pics are mint! :D esp the one of dewi!!!!! lmfao!!!!!!!!!!! :p
feels like i havnt been 2 crasher 4 so long :( i will be ther!! :D white when i go in..black when i come out!!! :p
you wouldnt wan2 get in his pants by any chance? :p
ask LILGEM!! she is the txtjoke Queen!!!!! :p
i had a good time at sundis,only been 3times n that was the best of the 3!! i could actually see what the club looked like b'cuz it wasnt rammed 4...
thats a gud pic i wud say.. therz far worse!!:p
ahhh THANKYOU!!!! :) muchos fun was had thurs-tues!:D:D MwAh!! xx
ahhh yes woolley edge!!! saturdays visit was very very very very very very very very very very confusing!!!!! rememba rescuing u n glitter bt...
:eek: i forgot all bout helz' camera!! :eek:
awwww bless!! :) luvleeeeeey! :) i wanna c the rest of the photo's..i'll b cuming round!!! UVE BEEN WARNED! ;)
?? i seemed 2 have been oblivious 2 all police goings on fri?!?! :confused: remember at guy O back in sept tho ther was loadsa cop types...
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