ditto! um....any1 wanna contribute to the 'Gemma's july partying' fund?
count me in! :D do i have to email the address on the site for invites or is it enough to let you know? i'd like 4 if thats ok?
ooooh! i aint been to promise since the birthday. had quite a few things goin on, but i might have go to each of these mighty fine nights! i...
Hartlepool, unfortunately. u wanna know where in hartlepool? Should I be worried ;)
so, sum up you bank holiday weekend in 5 short sentences... 1) being part of 70,000 alcholoics clinging to a rock 2) many very strange...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUNNI! ***raises bottle of white lightning cider in true hartlepool stylee and slures the happy birthday song*** he he -...
I'm having problems too - when I click on the 'sign up' link, I'm just getting a blank page???? Can you help - or add me to list?
ok then, it makes you forget about your problems, specially while your blowing chunks
I’ve saw this sweaty thing stood at the side of the dance-floor, he’s amazing, manages to do ‘big fish, little fish’ all night, stood in the same...
vodka solves all your problems…..:D
YAY - def up 4 that! more to help me party on my birthday the better :D cant remember the name where were stayin, but its some skanky 1 in the...
oooh, that’s just asking for a bitchslap! u know I cant afford an iron!
ha ha! n.n.n.n.n.nice 1! Its my birthday on the 31st :D:D:D:D we wanted to go for a fortnight, but I'm strugling to afford the week, am...
speaking of ibiza….. any1 b there between 27th July - 3rd August?
no, you’re a jem…. I'm the Gem….….together we can be JemGem! :rolleyes: :D
this year will be the 3rd time for me, I will be celebrating/comesorating loosing my teenage years there this year (its my 20th birhday when I'm...
I love mash with loads of gravy! (plus its always goes down the easiest for those Sunday dinners your forced to eat after a messy sat night out…..)
yay - WE WONT BE LONERS! DIDNT KNOW ABOUT THE FREEBIES THO! BONUS! we can always count on u cant we dave?! :D ;) :D
What a beeeeuuuutiful daaay-ay-ay & I’m stuck in a busy hot office in smelly stockton. ……hmm….........i feel a headache coming on…… FAO...
Separate names with a comma.