don't like horses how about a nice box o choc's:love:
glad u got the joke numb nut's :fart:
well well its been fun but im off now cos me got work early tomoz ill catch up with you all tomorrow then eh!!!!!:love: night night...
sorry i did'n realise this was an english corse
that would be more abusing her auth me thinks
me neither just havin a laugh just wait till mikeeg start with his crap and sick postin then youll see wound up
now that wouldnt be very fair would it after all its not like i broke any rules is it what is it can you lot not hack a laugh :(
what you goin allready thought you lot liked a crack on ere after all this is the banter forum aint it see ya in the morn night
your very welcome:love:
i know can hardly belive it myself but some peeps actually think im a nice guy and i am i just like to make an entrance y'see its all an act im...
if i wanted to listen to a pair of arse holes id have gone to a syncronised fartin club PLEB soooooo 10years ago girlfriend* jerry stylee*
dont worry we'll be like one BIG happy family soon my bud anth an clegg will be here soon then we'll have some fun!!!!!:groovy:
an know dun it get on ya tits when you cant read the post you get!!! no worries here though it wont last long (much)
fuckin leave em there co other wise they;ll just make the wider community as borin as them pluss if we get rid the viagra industry will go down...
i wouldnt say betta just different:angel2:
you get a nice welcome on ere if your from gg board :lol:
Re: All the Goodgreef tools that registered today nahh y'see i got quite attached to the love of this board don know what it is meybee love...
Re: how hot is Myleene Klass fantastic honest it great what you can air brush these days
WTF 4 all i done is be nice :love: mwah
hello new bee you gunna post the same shit you were slingin over there m8 cos ill tell ya you "high" status wont last long;)
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