pure ignorance pssssst:rolleyes:
y would you fancey her more if she was ?
rob rob rob wheres yor s-o-h gone from the good ol days :rolleyes:
what happend to the season of good will to all men eh!
not many new cars do it cos of the laminate on the glass but i still wouldn't recomend it
wouldnt mind but that was mild for the Cleggster
why thank you sir just watch that the other dont see you bein nice to me or they might get the hump with you but genuinely it nice to have a nice...
Re: Icy Cars i do exactly the same i just dont understand why they do this i think its an U,L thet if you put warm water on frozen windows...
the CLEGG is gone but he still here with us in our hearts and in our thought's *"just ad a class dump me like"* their right you...
so which .......... of you thought it would be good for this board to ban the clegg on his first day BOOOOO TO YOU god you peeps got no sense o...
Re: Re: Re: Worst Urban Myth??? TBF clegg it has been welll @ least average random :redface:
thanx m8 i was never loved as a child so i'm sorta tryin to find my place in life y'know an i just might o found it in my new friends on this...
my master hows it hangin chuckles :groovy:
must say feelin a lot o love commin for the NE
Re: Re: Worst Urban Myth??? that'll teach him not to go to redcar!!!:angel3:
:lol: eh! what you on a bout shoutin for it's lol :fart:
play on lover boy play on :lol: :lol: somthin tells me they dont like us in these here parts
Re: The Happy couple Awwwwwwwwww young love is a beautiful thing heres to many happy a year * genuine *
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