Call your bank. I bank with Nationwide and the number I have to give companies to set up direct debits and things is totally different from the...
Petals around the rose A brainteaser...bugged me like crazy but I finally got it and thought I would...
Its hard work naming babies but usually because everything you come up with you can find something that will be picked on. They obviously don't...
I wondered why I was getting BNP news via text :rolleyes: :argue:
WE just decorated that room a few months ago and those damn little white balls jumped out from everywhere :lol: move in that...
Ha do you have Scandelous Gareth's phone number then cause if I am eating HIS HAT I will need it!:D
I'm gonna look at all of my clubbing pics from before I knew you and see if I can spot any furry boots!
At least they let me give you a kiss before they took you away :lol: Pills have a lot to answer for :love: :rolleyes:
If I hadn't have been so messed up in the head the timelines of these events might be a bit clearer. Pike did create an early form of furry...
Just don't tick the box on the visa waiver to say you have a drug problem. They seem to find more of a risk in allowing a pregnant women go...
I doubt anyone is standing there thinking they don't have to donate because they did the minutes silence :rolleyes:
Cruddas park? Niiiice :lol:
Shall we scrap funerals too? How about we just have the body taken away and burnt ASAP so we don't all look like we are putting on a show...
I did my NEXT sale online...they do the best baby clothes and G pays the directory bill!
Getting on the RIGHT side of her seems to be the problem!
:D I find I have to keep a full tummy at all times myself....just incase!
I understand what you're saying Pike but on the other hand, there are a lot of people relying on the tourist industry for their income in the...
Why thank you! but don't you mean BIG thomas? :lol: He is 3 months old! Can you beleive it? I can't!
I don't think they would have the same effect with a big round breast pad behind them :lol: they even stock a 42 H? :cry:
They are the only place that stocks my bowling ball carriers complete with easy access flaps for Thomas :lol:
Separate names with a comma.