Gotta agree with that Brid, I reckon it's easy to self diagnose yourself with depression when you're simply stressed out. I feel bad for... Should get some info off here mate.
Tonight - Just a few pints after work, moving some stuff into me new flat, then out in shields. Saturday - Godskitchen :finger: Sunday -...
I watched that episode of 5th gear, he never even got off the starting line :D The 40,000 people watching ripped the piss but to be fair, it is a...
Got one of me workmates a full aromatherapy massage for her birthday, she reckons it was amazing.
Re: woo You're at the hardest day mate, if you can make it past today and avoid any when you're wrecked then you'll do it.
Gotta agree with that one, getting me mam a similar thing (Springs in shields have good deals) add a bottle of something she likes and a perfume...
Me, Fidds and about 5 others. Can't wait :dance:
Downloading both now, cheers mate :up:
On 1st Sep 1980 ... The Number 1 single was: David Bowie - "Ashes To Ashes" The Number 1 album was: Roxy Music - "Flesh And Blood"...
I have some mad dreams like. Any of you lot have recurring dreams? I tend to have them about fighting were I always win even though I'm...
If you work on computers and you end up needing glasses your company will have to pay a percentage towards them.
Personally I'd go for the iPod but I'm liking the new sony walkmans that are coming out next month, it'll be easy to connect to your car stereo....
Chicken Jal frezi with chilli from the crown of india on ocean road in Shields :drool:
They do the same at some of the metro stations here, not sure how effective it is like.
Lol, I wish I could say this wasn't true :lol:
Found Football manager a bit too easy, hasn't got the same appeal as when they did Champ manager, the new champ manager on the PS2 is shit....
I paid the scandelous fees :redface: Just wanted to get mine and me mates tickets sorted quickly, had them for ages now. Don't know if it'll...
It's a nice phone, loving the Sony range though, had a d750i until some twat nicked it off me desk at work yesterday :(
Got me ticket, looking forward to it :up:
Separate names with a comma.