*yawn* I couldnt even be bothered to read everythinG! PLUR everyone... for fucks sake PLUR!!! ;) lol! :rolleyes: I loves ya all and posts...
MOre feedback please :rolleyes:
I like eminem! Everyone thinks hes all political but tis just an act to get ppls back up, and they fall for it! I think hes wicked! :p
Just read the article! It wasnt actually in leeds then! lol! Doh!
:confused: I live slap bang in the middle of leeds, we had an earthquake? :rolleyes:
Agreed! Ooh, and babay octopus! Their too tasty! :p
Not jelous at all :rolleyes: Just wait till Im in Oz, I will have glorious sunrises/sets on Bondi beach, which I will see from my beachside...
lol, or cousre I remember Rob :rolleyes: sorry Jeff! :p
Im at home, I havnt got dressed yet, Id probably still be asleep but work called and woke me up from a dream where I was going round this huge...
wicked! :p
Glitter - have u sent the films yet?
:mad: I like Lake Placid! Tis a wicked film! :p Its funny, has a mad old woman who used be in the golden years swearing like a trooper and a huge...
Its not up yet but wil be soon, along with pictures!
Read this u muppets! I accept your thanks in advance! :p :rolleyes: Any free entry or drinks for the future will be accepted graciousley! ;)...
Who just got in from Promise then eh? :rolleyes:
My totally dream career would be forensic pathologist/medical examiner working as an expert witness for the police! My ultimate goal is to be so...
i dont want to be on either, jocky slut is title enough! :p
Thats just ppl being a knob :rolleyes: We used to do this kind of stuff in science with our teacher! Its actually a sign of how logical u are,...
Where do u think I got all my skills from? :D Its in the genes! :p
Sensualist You're a sensualist, stimulated when all your senses are tingling. A soft stroke or a certain scent might be all you need to get...
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