luv ya 2 hon...+ im sure he did;)
liar u nicked it off sum poor kids back didnt u:D
U cheeky little charva! callin me a posh twat...and bein barred from that shed on wheels is no prob with me il just get chauffer driven from now...
Clarki if i get a bumper fringe would i hav a chance with wear kappa 4 u n evrythin...ur so scared:D Here mister im from howdon...
Just u keep thinkin the worst hon x
Ah+i tried 2 apologise+evrythin...well bring it on:D
Dont get 2 xited there iv still got a 4fit 4 u:D
Hon no offense but after that pic of u up the other day i think ud b pushed tryin 2 turn on a light never mind owt else:D jokin hon il nominate...
Yeah i remember meetin u twice ness:D + thinx:confused: +cheers babe if u c this hope ur havin fun at wrk...drinkin again!im supposed 2...
Did i get 2 meet u on fri hon?:)
Yeah u got me there el...gotta hav been u...:confused:
No i did actually get introduced 2 people but im just hopless with names...i met u+ only realised who u wer on the board now that u put that pic...
Shy bairns get nowt u'kno hon! I dont kno enuf of u 2 comment but i hav met a couple who fit ur descip smart e...just dunno who they r:confused:
Thanx hon feel the same bout u+fluffy+akira+ger r amazin 2 love u all :D
yes its me clarki...wer u been then?:confused: thought u wer cumin out sat? me+akira ended up leavin early so lucky 4 u u went sumwer else sat...
U bak jem?:) get in touch if u r+yeah wer wer u fri clarki? please dont say icon :( :confused: :(
Cheers 4 that hon but il stick 2 the 1 iv got on at the mo...i kno iv got a tan but thats a tad xtreme:) Cheers 4 lookin 4 me though;) hello 2...
all ive got is a tiny bloody little red soddin square...tad narked:mad:
it hasnt worked...AGAIN!:mad: y dont u just email it 2 me or something i dunno? thanx 4 tryin though hon;)
u 4got me u cheeky git! i had a fuckin belter nite n al:D
Separate names with a comma.