I'm never gonna live that one down.. :D
Theres a good cheap B&B i stay at in Victoria - single rooms are £35 a night, english breakfast in the morning. The toilet/shower facilites are...
Had a good weekend in London.. i might be down at Smile to continue the party :)
Ok.. i shifted the post.
[Post Deleted]
Bring it up as a formal complaint.. I wouldn't let them get away with it! The tax just adds insult to injury.
I've been using earplugs for the past 2 years now, dont want my hearing to deteriorate anymore - my right ear is still not the same sice i went to...
Re: Only... Last time i watched Guyver was 6 years ago! When the series was released on Manga video.. I collected the whole lot :) Pity they...
The music is what i like.. not the medium - sorry if you mis-interpreted that. I gave a bad example in mid-rant so I'd like to clarify my point of...
Ok.. it looks like my method of mixing has caused a bit of a stir here, in particular with Mr.Revel.. so to set the record straight and to give an...
Hell.. even Che is jumping on the MP3 bandwagon :D
If a tune is worth playing then i have absolutely no problem in purchasing it.. it's just i dont want it in vinyl format where the costs are...
MP3 and vinyl actually .. and i'm well aware of the law concerning the replication of any music in the UK. Is it any wonder u havent seena...
Been mixing for over 3 years.. probably 4 now! CDs and MP3 and what I know, but I've gained a lot more skill in vinyl this year - even more since...
Handed in and waiting for feedback .. hope he anjoys it :)
I know exactly what you mean.. had a similar experience last night. I'd just finished recording when the computer completely froze up! Thought it...
http://www.smartftp.com Completely free and it'll also do SSL encrypted FTP as well :)
Dunno how u connect to the internet, but using MS Proxy Client can bypass the monitoring tools of most proxies and let u roam scot-free to an...
Ok.. depending on your operating system and your drivers, the problem could be to do with the fact they are WMD (Windows Driver Model) drivers....
SMILE last night.. Enjoyed it even tho i had to take it easy on the alcohol :) The new DJ booth is a VAST improvement over the last one.....
Separate names with a comma.