Techno @ Promise? THIS IS NOT AN ANTI-PROMISE MESSAGE. RESPECT TO PROMISE FOR THEIR SUCCESS. just wondered - with all this talk of techno guests at Promise, and everyone pissing themselves with excitement... is anyone aware of Reverb - the best techno night newcastle has had in recent years? probably not. it ran at Scotland Yard for over a year and has now begun again monthly at Newc Uni with Dave Angel next up. probably not glamourous enough for you all. clubbing does exist in venues other than superclubs and pretentious bars y'know... (this may sound like im a reverb promoter. im not. just a fan) in fact club nights are often better - yes - better when they are not in superclubs. have a go... go on, try something new. just for once... newcastle's foundation following are terrible for never going anywhere else. do you not get bored? is it the only place that lets you pout stupidly or tweak your cliched mullets? the word 'bandwagon' springs to mind when i think of all the promise fans suddenly loving techno.
And promise have been booking techno dj's for over a year you bufoon.... But pike he has a point about bandwagon jumpers.... first its: trance then its: prog now its: techno Wonder wat wagon you'll clamber aboard next Tom when was the last time you stepped foot in promise or even looked at a flyer?!?!?!? You seem increibly uneducated on clubbing in general (as foundation, promise, shindig are neither superclubs nor pretentious bars), I wont watse any more time in this thread...
Same here!!! I didnt like prog much...and never liked techno!!! Know exactly what people are saying though....BBBBBBBBAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDWWWWWWWWAAAAAAGGGGGGOOOONNNNN!!!!!!!
nah joe, have to point out, i think this guy tom means more of the underground techno djs such as mr angel and not the likes of the more mainstream techno djs that can get away with it at promsie such as Picotto (who in my eyes doesnt play this underground techno style). Think i should go along to this Reverb and review it against promise. As far as im concerned the only reason why the promise faithful stay faithful is because theres no need to go anywhere else, nothing is perfect but promise is close to it!!!
Dave Angel isn't exactly underground - he's very well known on the techno circuit... I've heard of him n I don't even like techno Correct me if I'm wrong but surely Reverb would be more than happy to have the likes of: oliver lieb oliver klein chris liebing sven vath and even Mauro Picotto Now all these are appearing @ promise... Mauro, n Fergie are the only house hold techno names to of appaeared at promise, lots of promise dj's have had a techno edge to their sets (mario, joy, corvin 2 name a few)... This guys point is retarded, he obviously hasn't been to promise in a long time (nor does he know much about it)... just sounds like a bitter reverb fan... But you check out reverb... I'm sticking to promise
totally agree with you mate, what i mean by the mainstream/underground thing is how many people who go to promise have heard of dave angel? probably not many. You have to know a little about the techno circuit to have heard of him. and yeah i think reverb would love to have the likes of lieb and co there....would pull a MASSIVE crowd.... but promise is promise, theres not a club like it. hope you arent implying im thinking of reverb over promise joe?!?!?!?!?! god no all im saying is i think i should check it out, to see what exactly goes on there, and i really dont think it will compare to promise.... plus too much techno is too much!!!! (and thats a techno DJ talking) i like diversity.... promise has that
i used to go to reverb @ scotland yard quite alot, and it then played a very different style of techno to what the people on this board consider now to be techno. reverb get ppl like andy wetherall, radioactive man and the like, who are class DJ's, but play a very different style of 'techno' to people like sven vath, liebling and picotto. thats probably why nobody from here goes to reverb. and the 'foundation' following genrally dont go anywhere else because there isnt really anywhere else around where u can see decent trance djs! (but wee go go other places!!!!) ppl are jumping on the techno bandwagon. although i kinda dont see it like that. it becomes more popular for a while, and ppl realise that they like it, so u cant really blame ppl for that. BUT, i hope promise doesnt book too many techno DJ's, cos i wont be going when they are on, so it means more nights in for me! OR, god forbid! i might have to try somewhere different!!!
"Tom when was the last time you stepped foot in promise or even looked at a flyer?!?!?!?" Smartie... i probably have every Promise flyer from the last 2 years somewhere. i love flyers and have been collecting them since i was in my teens when i first got into dance music. i must have a few thousand now. Promise flyers are ok (especially the layout on the back), but the current one with that lass on the front doesn't work i dont think. "You seem increibly uneducated on clubbing in general (as foundation, promise, shindig are neither superclubs nor pretentious bars)" So who are you then Smartie - Jim Mawdsley? Obviously not - look at the state of you in that photo of yours. Do you walk around like that? Do you actually go to Promise like that?! I know Foundation isn't a superclub you bufoon. But its the superclub within Newcastle, and its the nearest thing to a superclub the city has had. And i was talking generally, you bufoon, about bars such as Pitcher on Sundays, Stereo, Revolution - and the people that go there. One of the reasons Newcastle is poor (in terms of club nights) compared to Leeds, Manchester, Glasgow etc is because there isn't actually enough people to attend all the various promoters' nights. But quality DJs do play at different club nights, yet those nights dont get a good attendance because even though they do shitloads of flyering and hard work, none of the Foundation crowd are brave enough to go along. Luke Solomon was amazing at IN_FLUX, as was Carl Craig at REVERB last summer. Most people go to what is popular for fear of going to something shit, and to be seen at the popular places. Shindig and Promise have done the hard work and get a guarenteed crowd each week, which is nice, but apart from the big nights (Morillo / PVD etc...) most people often don't really know who is playing or who the DJ is. They go coz its busy, its in Foundation, and there will be house or trance or whatever on... my research is based on overhearing many people in queues and bars... Anyway, i know people like Picotto for example have played techno in their sets - but at the end of the day there is still a trance riff over the top and its still basically trance. they are not techno djs smartie. try surgeon, adam beyer, ben sims, garnier, hawtin. I'll quote you here - you seem incredibly uneducated on techno in general. Mauro and Fergie are NOT household names as techno DJs in any way. Try poking your funny little head out of that bubble you are in. There is a whole world out there you have probably never experienced...
picotto does NOT place trance. i like trance, and i dont like picotto! he plays techno! go look at a set listing! u seem very uneducated about trance in general if u think picotto plays trance!
oliver lieb, oliver klein, chris liebing, sven vath would have been amazing when Reverb was at Scotland Yard, but they wont get them on now. Those names wont fill Newc Uni basement. Newcastle actually has a great techno scene of its own (Insert Recordings, Justin Mills has been around for years, Suade is an international DJ), but there arent that many people who go to it week in week out. yeh Fizz you should try Reverb. its a different kind of crowd in a dirty venue. but you should like it. and thats the way techno should be. Dave Angel is on on Sat the 9th of Nov i think. so you dont need to miss Promise! just have two nights out on the trot. it would be interesting to see techno in Foundation though. but probably not quite the same as when Hawtin played in the Riverside... also check out 'Freaky Dancing - Dirty Techno Music' on at The Tanners up the road from Foundation this Friday. a few good local DJs playing in Newcastle's best techno pub. not a bad warm up for Promise really... anyway, until someone says something annoying again, im going to lay low for a while. im sure the promise promoters dont enjoy this talk of rival club nights. but for proper techno in newcastle - go to Reverb.
I could write a huge novel to compliment yours, but I've better things to do (like eating my thai pot noodle)... The only relevant point is: People go to promise cos they love it... Just like you go to reverb cos you love it - now please remove your head from your arse and run along little boy mwa
I suggest you listen to Mauro Picotto's new Live in ibiza essential selection cd then tell me he dont play techno! The only people who think picotto plays trance are the people who are clueless about his djing and base this assumption on his 'famous' releases. Check it out mate. i think you may be pleasently surprised. I can only think of one tune off the top of my head cos i aint no tune spotter. That Bloodangels tune. Nasty. Also has back to cali on it but it aint the shite that got released. Its evil!!
it's also got (again just off the top of my head) woody mcbride - basketball heroes chris mccormack - sea level chris liebing - stigmata etc. etc. fook thought i'd be able to remember more than that!
Re: Techno @ Promise? Tom.... So anyway, what's your point again mate? You just sound angry that 'techno' is becoming commercial. What's your problem with foundation? It has a very good sound system, if you are a 'music fan' then that should be the main thing you care about after the djs. Is this a classic 'I hate popular things' post?
yep, picotto dont play trance no more, and has shifted away from the tech trance side of things, and he is playing a lot more of the techno we are discussing here, which i would like someone to define, cos there are that many techno styles out there. Fergie is the same. The way i see it is Picotto and Fergie and co are helping to educate those who have never been realy interested in the techno and underground techno scene by targeting the more bigger clubs and trancey/hard house audience. But once people check out the real underground techno scene they will see its a lot different. Picotto and Fergie are trying to bridge the gap (by this i mean educate people, introduce the tech sound) between trance, hard house n techno whether it starting out with picotto's tech-trance sound on BXR, but i must admit they have ventured into the more harder edged of techno. I laugh cos the BXR label production in HMV are situated under 'HARD HOUSE'. Check out DJ Mag, theres a really good article bout techno and hard house and how judge jules and anne savage are now trying to be pioneers of the techno sound. They discuss this new sound to which everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon to. As far as im concerned techno mutates. just like any other sound. trance has changed to accept a tech sound and create tech-trance. Hard House is now introducing the tech sound. Picotto has his own style of techno. Fergie is now adapting his own, and the likes of Clarke, Liberator, Rush, Umek, Anne Savage and now even Judge Jules have their own style of techno. "techno is always mutating, not the cops, not even the media, those executioners of the authentic, are able to terminate that, always moving into different directions, and the time is now that transformations are under way that will lead to new places, eruptions, excess.... in a situation where most of the supposedly underground parties are playing the same shit as everywhere else, where sponsorship deals and big money have moved in, a new resistance is emerging slowly." Im gonna quote a couple of close friends now who have continued to analyse this industry fro themselves... B.O.B. in a post on this board made it clear Promise Hard is not just about Hard House.... its a Hard Dance event...... why did she say this, because a lot of the hard house djs now actually play hard trance, hard house, and now with anne savage, BK and andy farley introducin techno into their sets too. Kerry James i remember using the term hard dance when asked about styles. and Marty V has always claimed - what does it matter? its all HARD DANCE music!!!! which is what we r looking for (unless your a trance head).
Re: Re: Techno @ Promise? Picotto and Fergie on at Promise - on that sound system ,with that bass = PURE BLISS for me!!! the difference between Reverb and Promise is the venue and atmosphere. i know which i prefer........ cant wait for Promise Hard!!! ..........and Escalate! (watch this space)
Andy Farley, BK, Anne Savage are far from techno... their sets don't even have that much of a techno influence and their productions are far from techno. If you look hard enough you'll find influences from everything in ever genre... But to say that artists like savage, farley bk are playing tech hard house is tosh Its is almost impossible to put music in a boxed genre nowadays as most artists take influences from all over... So yes a few hard house tunes will be techno influenced... but to say artists are pioneering this new sound is daft as if you listen to their sets you'll find trance, funky house, prog house, breakbeat, everything...