Smurfenland Judgement Day, Holland - Photo's Craking night, nice chuckle. 425 visitors, many of them painted blue, mushroom shaped DJ booth, Smurf projections on the walls and Speedfreak having his first Pot Noodle. All the UK mob certainly impressed - Deathmachine, Adventurous Adam, Obsession, UEP & Rigamortis and hopefully this has opened many doors and opportunity's for futire bookings in Holland Here's a selection .... Full album at - You need to register to view them all
I always think the nights smurf puts on in holland look awesome... If I were a little less Jewish I'd go to one
fuck me, that looks amazing!! is it all hardcore and gabba? if so, tell me when the next one is and i'll take a trip over! the facepaint looks like it'd be good crack until you wake up the next morning felling like death and have to wash it off everywhere!
Its all gabba & hardcore aye, with oldksool upstairs, but the Dutch definition of oldksool is pretty hard ! No breakbeats or piano's ! The paint washes off easy. At the 1st one, this Dutch guy took photo's of himself in various stages of getting his whole body painted. It took him a week to get fully clean. Also at the first one, my face paint had all ran and turned green. I came boincing into the hotel at 8am and the reception guy said "What the fuck happend to you?" I just said "yeah, sorry Im late". I didnt release till about 2pm when I got up I looked like the hulk ! All harmless fun !
incaswe every1 there doesent relise he is jewish, coz if no1 knows that he is, there is no point of him going