Should people with no income be restricted to the amount of babys they can spawn? Why should the horrible lower class's bre allowed to have 7 and 8 kids when they have never had a job and live on benifits? You need a license to fish but you dont need a license to spawn? these fuckers claim the dole then go home and fuck, the chavs are outbreeding us, ITS TIME TO ACT I am not talking anything harsh just something like 3 or 2 kids if you cant support them? I think mothers should be assessed to see if they are capable. Our current Feral problem is down to these mindless parents having kids and not bringing them up right. Thoughts?
In theory, yes definately. In practise, no. We cant end up like China where theres baby corpses lining the street. It would be the ultimate nanny state. What should happen is thier benefits should be restricted as the families grow larger instead on them coining it in for every extra kid they add to thier scruffy little families.
has anyone seen "Idioacracy" ??? its about us getting outbred by chavs... one day they rule the world "Teenage mum to bring up triplets on benifits"
You muppet, theres a difference between those dog eaters and us. Do you really think we would start slitting the throats of our first borns in the gutter? Stop watching CNN
how would you police it then? enforced sterilisations? Hitler based a lot of his actions on Eugenics which is basically fear of being outbred by the masses. It turns out that the people who deserve to breed are the ones like yourself and the ones who don't are the others.