Sample packs.

Discussion in 'Productions' started by MistaK, Nov 21, 2010.

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  1. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    Sample packs.

    anyone got a favourite?

    just bought a second hand (legit :eek: ) copy of Smokers relight Deux off my mate cheap. and fucking hell. what a library!

    normally i'd say any of the vengeance packs or somthing similar, but all of the samples on this are amazing like! having a massive Rex selection included is also a massive bonus.

    however i can imagine that all i'm going to get now is "its the not the samples thats important snarf snarf snarf, its what you do with them. snarf"
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    Good thread. What type of samples from the pack do you like the most?

    I must say, the vengeance sample packs are pretty naff in my opinion. A lot of them sound quite brash and cloudy as if they've been ripped from tunes and after a quick google search recently (considering everybody else seems to bum them!), I found that it's because most if not all of the samples, are actually nicked from various tunes!

    Apparently there is some software that can find out where the sample was originally taken from.

    Thomas Penton Essential Drums - vital percussion from a prog legend. Pretty much everything is clean and worth using.
    John 00 Fleming Trance something or other? Nice heavy kicks and some good percussion, although the basslines and pretty much everything else are wank. Good pads if you use pad samples.

    To be honest I don't use all that much else as most of the sample packs that I've downloaded have been fairly shit, but I'll have a little look next time I'm on ableton.
  4. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    This is how i got my virus/malware :lol: hunting for some specific samples etc on filestube :(

  5. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    yeah there's a good few decent Loopmasters series packs out there by some artists. if i remember right there was a good deadmau5 compilation pack thats got some nice percussion going in it.

    apart from that i just tend to limit myself. i know a fair few people with hundreds of sample library's but then do absolutely nothing with them. so i find it better to use a couple and know exactly what the crack is with them and go with that.

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