red devils and bulls... surely he never actually done this and it was computer generated?? if he did he's got balls of steel...if it isn't real, then surely they've got no grounds to complain? Click...
That bulls got better skills than any of the toons players, I wonder if we could play him up front and pretend its Viduka? The bull would have to put a bit of weight on first like.
Stick a Greggs outlet behind the goal at St James' and watch the fucker run the ball into the back of the net.
of course its CGI, Man Utd would never let such an asset get anywhere near a bull. love how the animal activists are arguing over it, love these bits: thats the silliest fucking comment i've ever heard. maybe so they maim and torment it - but i've never heard of a calm tormented bull. and to get right next to it in a silly suit is beyond me. Spanish PC gone mad like every major celebrity and sports person would become involved in such and trivial - and tbf quite a traditional national sport. ya gotta love activists. when i move to spain i hope i get a letter from them, otherwise i'll be insulted.