Pioneer HDJ1000 Headphones... Get the fuck in - john from global dj centre has just rang, says my ordered headphones have just came in.... going into work to get them..... anyone got any reviews for me?? anyone actually own a pair or used a pair???? just want to know if anyone has actual ears on experience of them???
well, i got my headphones last night, had a good session with them and have to say after using my trusty sennheisers, and ear testing the sony's, these pioneers come out on top!!! Cant believe the sound quality on them, how they just feel right and look very very smart!! I feel they wipe the floor with sennheisers and sony's!! but thats just my opinion....although the pioneers are now getting a lot of attention and applause from the big stars...especially fatboy slim. well worth the money. What does everyone else think???
Re: Re: Pioneer HDJ1000 Headphones... nah john hates chavas coming and going, gets really sick of them. he has a poster on the staff room door saying - "NO Charvas Allowed" quite funny really.
igot them for free from hard 2 find....long story. look and sound the dogz **nuff said** there is life after sony 700's