Phone Calls From The Towers, C4 Pretty disturbing viewing, not sure i if i agree with familys releasing their loved ones last phone calls and personal messages meant just for them but it sure brought home the human suffering of the attacks..
its horrible like, really depressing stuff it doesnt help i have just watched seven pounds then put this on str8 after
Just sat n watched it all 2, shocking What a sick place we live! This will help depress u all [yt]fJ4yrMm6cSU[/yt]
ffs the US killed 30 times more innocent Iraqis than died in the twin towers. I know it was awful but if just some of the mawkish sentimentality washed over this attack could be directed by the warmongerers in the US media towards the victims of America's terrorism then the world might become a bit safer for us all.
Its nothing but reminders of the war, the troops or the justification for war at the moment. We are being played like a bad violin. How about the media show some blown up body parts from innocent iraqies in order to present a 'balanced' view.
or some blown up Afghanis, Iraqis, Somalis, Nicaraguans, Panamanians, Columbians, , Cambodians, Laotians, Libyans, El Salvadorans, Vietnamese and on and on
I watched a Documentary on the 'Falling Man' pictures taken on the day of 9/11, it was absolutely heartbreaking listening to the phone calls that were made to their respective families before some decided there was no way out of the TT's & jumped.
Surely they didnt just 'jump' cos they thought there was no way out, the jumped cos they where BURNING TO DEATH
Yeah because we never here about FRIENDLY FIRE, collateral damage, Iraqi's getting done over in miltary prisons, waterboarding, Blackwater/Xe, Fallujah etc.
I'd rather see neither to be honest - but i think the public would have a different opinion of the war if they saw casualties of war caused by us in addition to those commmitted by 'the enemy'.
I have to say I've recently became quite conscious of where I focus my attention and choose to steer towards anything positive whenever I can. Earlier this week though something made me feel like I really wanted to watch this, because in 2001 when I was in High School, I watched this more with fascination that something of that scale could happen but the stories of the people never hit home. After watching it earlier this week, it has been on my mind all week. I've really been disappointed with myself for watching it as this time there was more emotion invested and it's almost put me on a 'bad buzz' from the stories surrounding it and sickening crunches you heard (on the Monday night episode, I think) of people chucking themselves off the building and landing near the firemen recording everything on video, and then the building collapsing with all the people in it. You couldn't see the splats, but you could not half hear it and it was really really loud - like some bigger kind of crash. The video helped me understand actually just how big the building was. The firemen wouldn't let people out of the towers at first because of the danger of falling debris - but when the debris calmed down there was suddenly a bigger danger because of people hurtling down the side of the building at 100mph+. To think humans can do this to one another is sickening. I've vowed never to watch anything to do with 9/11 again as there is no point in me feeling like this, and the world doesn't need to see it again and again either.
I think the other tragedy of 9/11 is that it started of the 'war on terror' which anyone who has ever read 1984 will realise is exactly the sort of permanent war scenario that keeps the population in line through fear. Can anyone imagine a time when terror has been defeated? If they caught Bin Laden tomorrow can anyone believe there would be no more terrorists? So many bad things have been done in the name of this war and so many more people have died and it won't go away till all the oil in the middle east has been sucked out the ground. The Vietnam war ended when the US public could no longer stomach the death and destruction being meted out by the US war machine. But they had honest reporting in those days by reporters who were able to show the truth. The military learnt that lesson and so now you never see the true cost of this war, only what they want you to see.