Petals around the rose A brainteaser...bugged me like crazy but I finally got it and thought I would share You have to repeat it a few times to check your theory is right
i'm too impatient to work it out, i was just randomly entering any number........ 6 seems to be a good number tho cos that worked quite a few times but i cant work out how its supposed to be done from that!
Its says the cleverer you are the longer it takes to work out cos you try maths and all sort, some Professors at Harvard took a year to sus it out
its just a test to see if you can think latterally... something which has been proven to be exclusive from intellegence... so he's jus saying that cos it took him so long!
the rose is the dot in the middle , any dots round the middle dot are the petals , if there is no middle dot the petals dont count , add the petals round the middle dot up from all of the boxes to give a total !