Paranormal Activity [yt]F_UxLEqd074[/yt] My lasses dad sent us an e-mail about this the other day saying it's massive out in America at the mo. Supposedly the new "Blair Witch".
Got mine from private site but this one seems well seeded etc hxxp:// DVD Screener etc
aye watched it a couple of days ago, i liked it. the way nothing much was happening nearer the start had me on edge like! when she got dragged out of bed!
sorry Gowans, but it isnt spoiling that much like i dunno which ending i saw like - still a strange ending IMO my lass couldent sleep after it
I heard there were 3 different endings. Since the site I get my stuff from is primarily US orientated, I dunno how accurate this will be, but the 'theatre version is showing a different ending to that of the screener, although one person said it was too cliche and shitty'. Make what you like of that. Personally, I was already a tad hyper about watching it since I was told it was the new blair witch. To put that into perspective, I watched the blair witch on my own, in the dark with the volume right up when it was shown on tv years ago. I was fucking terrified and no film has come close to that ever since, or before apart from being scared of stupid shit when I was a kid, like when I watched The Dentist. When I watched this I did the same thing, but was with a m8... I was expecting to shit my pants a little bit but it was a bit of a let down. Without the hype I dunno if I'd have made it into the second half without getting distracted and making food etc, but I gave it as much attention as I could... the second half is good.. some pretty spooky and creepy stuff and the manner in which the whole film is set kind of set the whole scene for me at home. There's no stupid special effects and the dialogue and camera skills are a bit shit.. but that's what happens in real life so it worked I suppose It's nowhere near as scary as the blair witch is when you're alone in the dark, but it's worth a watch. Bu don't be a pansy and watch it with the lights on and the sound on low and then complain that it's shit *Oh, and I recommend watching it alone too, just before bed. It's not a first thing in the morning type of film at all.
Totally disappointed with this. Was going to watch it last night when I came home pissed, but was too tired so watched it this afternoon. Some of the tension building moments were really good, but on the whole it was disappointing and the ending was rubbish. Looking at the Wiki entry, the version I saw was the first mentioned 'alternate ending'. Shame, as the idea behind it is usually exactly what I'd go for. Not really a Sunday afternoon film so would've been better late at night, though that said I'm home alone for the next day or two so will shit myself if I hear any unusual noises tonight.
Finally managed to get a decent copy of this on saturday we had it on surround sound, on a 52 inch plasma, the start was bit crap, once the sounds started, we were hiding behind the sofa, am not the biggest fan of the whole blair witch project type film, but it was a good watch, the end was a bit of a let down...
aye proper budget film making alot of people i've spoken to either really liked it or proper detest it for how slow it is (bearing in mind they like hardhouse music, thats not really hard to understand why)
I downloaded this yesterday (its been out in america for ages so any torrents gona be decent quality), didnt think much of it. The bloke is a bit of a tosser and the lass is irritating as fuck. I had the ending with the coppers in, which means i had waited all film to see the bit in the trailer, which then didnt happen !! Wounded.
Aye the bloke is a tit like. I'm not a fan of the camcorder home made style, the beginning is hard to watch but when it picks up some of the scenes are pretty tense but the film as a whole isn't great. I liked the ending like.