Music V2 Dj Competition - Final I'm in the Music V2 Dj Competition. Lazerick "USA Vs "UK" DJ Cush Its been going on for the past 8 weeks, Its now the final. But to my dissapointment last night, The competition has gone completely gone off rails, Its seems my opponent is getting votes on the fix, I'm up against a USA DJ on a USA website. So you can imagine how many of his homies are voting, Its now about talents anymore, the mixes havent even been getting listened too Its a shame because this competition was really good and not like this before this DJ entered. What i hope to achieve with this group is that us Brits will come together and unite to take on the Americans at their own game... The whole process only takes a Maximum of 5 minutes. -------------------------------------------------------------------- To Register simply click on this link and choose the 100% free account on the right hand side, -- Once registered please goto this link, And vote for "Media 2" MANY MANY THANKS! SUPPORT U.K - VOTE MEDIA 2 *Voting ends Sunday 19th October*