21st May 2011. 9-2am. house.techno.breaks and more. @ the Kings Manor. feat. Scot Nicolson (Error, Disco Noir etc etc) & Resistance residents. Free entry. After hijacking a facebook status from Funsize Jonny celebrating his old after-hours-rave-haunt Pitt Street, the comments quickly changed to one's about our old house up in Fenham and then our equally old night, Resistance. Belsay Place had by then become the rave-house which helped us quickly forget the fact that from early days of Reistance down at the Stout Fiddler the closing time had gone from whenever the landlord had had enough (4,5,6am) to 11pm. From then on it was the Fiddler till 11, Head of Steam till 3am then back to ours until Jonny's mam ran him a bath and picked him up on Sunday night. But now the Fiddler is gone (it's been Moot and now the Kings Manor) and our neighbours from that house will be well glad we're gone but Resistance is back. Pleased to have Scot Nicolson back in the North-East for the weekend as he was our favourite guests back in the Fiddler days.
resistance was 1 of my fave nights a few years ago and for about two years i used to tell any1 who would listen that scot nicolson was newcastles best techno dj will try to make it down for this if i cna secure a pass out