Legal Issue!!! Right, Basically, I know that employers aren't allowed to read the content of e-mails etc but a friend of mine (okay, me!!!) was using an unauthorised chat application at work, the employers now claim they have logs of what was sent, so basically they have read the conversations, are there any legal issues involved here, i.e. are they allowed to read the conversations?!?!?! Any info appreciated!!! Yours desperately DocMick!
i had the same fing happen to me but if u aint sposed to use it & its their equiptment and used in their time.......there aint a lot u can do.....tho yes, it is wrong of em to read it
It's shit what has happened to you but I think it's totally fair of them to monitor what you are doing on their pcs in their time. I've run networks for smallish companies and we used key loggers on every single pc during office hours (they capture everything you type including passwords, every web page you visit and all messenger convos). They would stop logging at 5:30 when peeps finished work so privacy could be achieved after then if needed (to check bank accounts hotmail etc). We made all peeps well aware of this and we were totally within our right to monitor the usage in this way. After all they were our pcs in our office on our broadband on our network in our time etc etc.
Re: Legal Issue!!! They do have the right to monitor all access on their computers! But they should have made you well aware of this! If they didnt then you have the right to complain as you may as Rob says have entered details that you dont want them to see (e.g. online banking details)!!! How far a compliant would go is debatable and probably not worth your time and effort!!!