help please wen turning my comp on at home it says ther aint enough meomry to load up and thati should close al the programs but there aint none open wen i press ctrl alt delete to see theres load of programs open ill try boot it agina and then theres an error and it just loads for ages n nothing chenges just says error caused by unknown also wen i press f8 at the start i cant see where the safe mode option is to run my spyware stuff etc
u should be presented with a list of options when u press f8, asking you if you want to start in normal mode, or safe mode etc. if ur not sure when to press f8 keep hammering it all the way from the start of booting. I'm not sure why the errors will be occuring.
i am pet lol thatsa why this comp is ok hence me asking aboutt he one at home think i caught it of jon you know was having a convo over msn adnwell you know what happens next