Freaky Dancing TONIGHT (Friday 25th May) with BILLY NASTY This is your last minute reminder that a certain *BILLY NASTY*, is playing at the Cosmic Ballroom *TONIGHT* at Freaky Dancing, and your presence is requested on the dancefloor. Billy is famous for both his full on techno sets & more recently his electro sets that have been causing mayhem at clubs like Technique, so as a one off favour coz he likes us, billy will be playing for 3 hours tonight and basically playing his electro set building into his full on techno set. We've also now added Astro & Prism (the artists formerly known as Salad Butty) to the line up to provide a proper electro warm up set, with Chris Sharp being let loose on the last hour with a mission brief to destroy anything that's left of the dancefloor after Billy's finished. --- Friday 25th May @ The Cosmic Ballroom, Newcastle £8 nus / £8 all b4 11pm / £10 after Main Room : Electro & Techno Billy Nasty Chris Sharp Astro & Prism Room 2 : Breaks Bobzilla Pete Samplers Funsize Jonny ---