Flash Forward Really enjoyed that, plenty of scope for the storyline. Anyone else notice the Oceanic billboard in the stakeout scene towards the beginning of the episode?
Yep and this one looks like it's got potential until they start running out of ideas and making it up as they go along !!
Well this is originally a book so they already know how it goes, just depends how much they intend to drag it out. Rumours are anything from three to five seaons, all depends on how well it does in the ratings.
Its on fiver tonight and five on Friday night 10pm Is it the first episode they are showing? and has this just started? Think it could possibly be my next addiction
If they are going by the book its the LHC that caused all the agro in the first episode,, I spotted the oceanic sign as well
Absolutely loved it!! buzzing i only have to wait until monday for next ep, i didnt realise fridays was a re-run!!!
Watched the re-run last night on 5 and really enjoyed it. Set Sky + to series link record it, Looking forward too tonights. Has a lot of potential.
I can definately see this being the next Lost! Ep 2 was mint. Does anyone know how many episodes it is??
just downloaded this, as well as series 1-2-3 of the wire, i'm gonna have so much to watch from now on
I'm a big Lost fan, but while this has an interesting concept, it came across as a bit cheesy. I suppose it's early days though. They still end on annoying cliff hangers like, so I'm bound to get hooked!