FAO glitterangel Hiya thanx for introducing me to everyone on friday.. I had a wkd night! Im coming again this week to see mr hardwick.. so if its ok I will meet yas in EC again, I will be coming a bit earlier this week though
yeah u can meet every1 there, im not sure what time i'll be there tho, coz i think (hope) kyle is coming this week, so i have to sort out with him n his mate what time im getting there, but every1 else will be there, so just go in n find em. no probs for doing intro's, i dont mind at all. sorry i seemed absent most the night, i didnt feel up for it til bout 2 so i just went n sat in the back. i normally do that every week anyway tho, lol! c ya next week!!!
Its ok.... I met some gr8 peeps n had a wkd night! Although im NEVER having them bloody lollies again.. the ones that make yer mouth blue... theyre evil!