totally pisssed off. I can take getting beat fairly like last time against brazil. But against these wankers. rolando is a fucking cheating dirty little spik :evil: :evil: :evil: Rant over!!!!
he will get his come-uppance. im proper gutted, but im so glad to see the back of sven. i just hope mclaren doesnt play the same as him or ere fucked for another 5 years.
fucking right he was winding rooney up all game. Fair enuf he should not take the bait. But he has. Its shit losing like this to a bunch of horrible diving cheating little cunts. Cant see much a future for Ronaldo in England now. Arrogant little spik.
hope roon tears that fukin cunt apart wen he gets back to pre season robbed again fukin cunts since when does the keeper decide he is not ready for a pen after the ref has blew his whistle fuk off you argie cunt
Lets hope ronaldo gets such a fuckin kicking from his manchester team mates when he gets back the posing little prick.....:evil:
might want to rethink your racist digs spik is a name for a Spanish person, and maybe you think its close enough but it is infact only used as a derogatory name for Spanish people that live in the continent of America so you just sound a bit stupid. But I agree with you Ronald will not be welcome back here he is a fucking arrogant fucker and I hope he never returns to English football. I really want to see the back of him!!!
Devod portugal bunch cheating ' driving fuckers we desevred to win but once again we choked when it came to the big one gerrard and lampard our so called best 2 midfielders didnt perform and the rooney sendin off didnt help 'C ronaldo baiting ref to send him off and him diveing all game cheating fuck arrogant prick. its a shame am well gutted
im too gutted for congnitive speach anymore, these are my final words on the matter.... death to ronaldo
How did you not get beat fairly? Rooney deserved to walk.... you can make Ronaldo the scape goat all you want but fact is you dont deserve to be in the semis.
i know spik is slang for spanish mate But they all merge into one for me especially after this fucking fiasco
Spoken like a stereo typical English fan. Clowns like you that were booing and jeering during the Portugal racism speech.
no not at all Just pisses me off when they cheat like that I can honestly say that english / Brittish players do not cheat they way portugal do
Cant be bothered to argue with you. If you dont like my opinion then thats unlucky Havent got time to bicker on a message board. I have a life which obviously you do not by posting 7300 on an internet message board
it's a shame we didn't win after such a performance lampard did a brilliant throw in and some of the goal kicks were superb should sack these young types and get back some more experienced players like gazza and ian rush
the littel jock is tryig to wind us up because we didnt win, all i do is laugh because they could even qualify LMFAO