Drug abuse in the armed forces The army is apparently losing the equvelant to a Batallion per year due to drug abuse. Some are saying it is due to the stress and some are saying it's an easy way out. Anyone been in/ in the forces got any input to give? I've seen lads do pills whilst on weekend leave, but it was hardly due to the stress or to get out of the army fast, probably more to do with getting wrecked to be honest Link
I know of three of my mates that have been kicked out; two for weed and one for pills and coke. I know a lot oy my other mates do things when theyre home on leave but theyre careful not to do it in the few days before they go back.
The Army has a major drug problem that goes right through the ranks. Ive done coke with warrant officers and i used to go clubbing in Germany every weekend and there would be 20 - 30 of us - most of us would be pilled up. It would have made national headlines if the press had picked up on our behaviour. One of the lads i served with was involved in one of the biggest drug deals the Army has ever seen. He was from London but had turk parents so when he managed to escape from RMP custody he ran off to Turkey but got conscripted to do his national service over there! There was actually rumours going around my regiment that the CDT team werent paying as many visits to certain bases in fear of how many people would get found out! Ive got 4 mates that have been kicked out, but funilly enough only 2 of them were caught on a CDT, whilst one confessed to taking drugs (god knows why!) and the other got caught off the bouncers in Tall Trees and handed over to the busys for having 9 pills.
one of mine and Jays friends have just been kicked out for it, he's gutted, but he shouldn't have been so stupid to do it all the time. I know of quite alot of lads who do stuff , but I wouldn't say it's drug abuse, it's more the fact of them letting their hair down outside of work hours, coz the lads on Jays barracks work ridiculously long hours. there was a lad last year who got caught dealing on camp, needless to say he got shafted and put away for it. you always have a rough idea when you're going to be cdt tested aswell, theres been many a time where Jay has got out of doing one, just by being off camp and they don't chase it up