bhutto Apparently were sending over a team of investigators to try and find out what happened to bhutto. when crime is rife over here were sending people to pakistan, great we wont find anything out anyway, its a total fuck up, theyve washed away the whole crimescene.
She was knocked off by Musharaf in my opinion. What a world we live in .... 2008 and we are closer to armageddon than ever before! I nearly cried when i found out she had been assasinated - felt totally drained by it
its the way they act afterwards. its a crimescene so they manage to wash everything away before we get there. fishy like, i watched some poor fella het hacked to fuck by kenyans the other day, just makes ya realise that we arent equal when it comes to the human race, some people are just lower lifeforms than others
How about sending me a list of pre-approved thoughts, discussion topics and points of reference Willy That way i can always be sure not to incur the wrath of those rolling internet eyes!!
yes i do, checkout bartons cousin for starters, im making a general statement that some people are not atually civilised, just remembered your a right pc fanboy arent ya