Been back in the country... ...for three weeks (soon to be returning to Australia I hasten to add) and its seems that Britian has turned into one giant organically reared chicken carbon footprint. Is the fact Prince Charles has reduced his CO2 emmissions by 18% really worthy of news space? Its proper brain washing. Was just starting to get out of hand when I left, now its over the top. And Radiohead are really getting on my tits. Rant over
Re: Been back in the country... tbf mate, we all know this country's fucked without you bragging your leaving it for oz again but yeah - this country's a tip at the minute, its all getting rather scary. or at least it is for white males anyway. if your within an ethnic minority, a woman, an ethnic woman or indeed an ethnic lesbian single parent with 2 kids - you'll be great. anything outside them margins spells disaster for any kind of financial promise. especially with every fucker going to university as well - the degree will become the new A-level at this rate, meaning that degree graduates will be penny a dozen - in turn fucking over the country in some elitist shape or form. but fair cop to all of those who sorted there degree's when it was acutally a struggle to get into the top universities or indeed just a university (apart from sunderland, because apparently thats always been an easy uni to get into [and its in sunderand]) then the fuel and food malarky, dear me - we'll all be fucked for a sarnie and lift soon tbh - its almost funny, why we let elitist over paid scum rule this country is beyond me. some form of rule based around ye old communism might actually work better.
I though the government 'we' voted in 11 years back were the answer to the elitist scum? .... In fact, werent they supposed to be the champions of the common man? Labour dig over - I dont believe any forms of mass control are going to work, unless something seriously drastic happens.... humans have been and always will be greedy, self concerned individuals and should not be allowed to assert power over large numbers of people unchallenged. Communism works even less than capitalism does, as millions of dead Chinese or Russians might attest (and the man others). Organic and Eco facism is currently en-vogue as the latests means by which people can direct their anger and distain onto others ..... Other countries have been quietly going about it for years without needing Marie Claire and the Guardian manipulating the masses with it.
come on mr K who would you rather be a single white fit male or a " an ethnic lesbian single parent with 2 kids" come on, would you swap?
I was kind of taking off the idea that 'thoughtful' publications are using the organic movement, and 'eco mania' as a means of finger pointing at other people.
Australians whinge about Australia just like English people whinge England Australia is a lot more expensive for food than UK Infact its more expensive for just about everything Fuel is cheaper, about 75p a litre, but you have to travel a lot further. Its going to hit a quid soon. Labourers make more than Doctors, Nurses and Lawyers 58% of people have a degree Taxes are higher People are a lot thicker and ignorant about the world My Dad's girlfriend is Norwegian - he's been telling me about the equality laws in Scandinavia. In Sweden everything has to be equal. Example, a man has to pay the same price for a haricut as a lady, even if its a quick short back and sides - you can't advertise for mens and womans prices. All shoe sizes have to be the same price. All work places have to have a 50/50 split in gender (imagine the outcry if this happened at the Nissan plant, or some female dominated workplace in England like a sewing factory). The haircut thing happening in the UK would be considered a national scandal. Everywhere has its problems, exchange for eg Australia's problems, Sweden's problems, New Zealand's problems (low wages, really high taxes) to Britain and the papers (and therefore most people) would have a field day. My Dad has lived in loads and loads of places, and he puts England in his top three of places he likes - its really isn't that bad. The only thing that gets on my nerves about England is the way the press dominate the national mindset (like this global footprint trend) - you can't get away from it.