[Apr 29, 2011] Jaunt>& Pleasure♥ SECRET LOFT PARTY w/ FRANCK ROGER - LONDON (E2 8AA)

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by blackhall, Apr 13, 2011.

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  1. blackhall


    Apr 18, 2005
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    whiltey bay


    Jaunt>& Pleasure♥
    Friday 29th April


    FRANCK ROGER (Real Tone, Desolat)
    Blackhall & Bookless
    Bobby Connolly
    Richard Rowell


    Can you feel it?

    With a new season comes about a change. A change in feeling, a change in mood, a change in emotion.

    The cold and dark days of winter are now slowly but surely slipping into the past, and on the horizon is a rising sun filling our blue skies; with it bringing excitement, hope and a renewed enthusiasm for life. Since starting at Russian Bar 9 months ago, Jaunt&Pleasure played host to some truly amazing parties featuring the likes of FCL ( San Soda & Red D), Jef K, Pezzner, Robert James, Russ Yallop, Yaya & Subb-Ann. Its sweaty, dark dancefloor kept your body warm through those cruel winter months...but now the time has come to move on whilst still sticking to our winning formula - our amazing crowd of people who create that unbelievable atmosphere and vibe, the highest quality aural experience going, and all within the walls of a super intimate venue.

    We kick off our summer loft party series on 29th April (in association with the royal wedding) with Real Tone Records head honcho Franck Roger and with a 200 capacity loft space boasting a Funktion 1 soundsystem, a stunning outside terrace area and decor & visuals galor. Its safe to say that we are stepping things up a gear - we're evolving, quickly.

    Move fast, we wouldn't want you to miss out.


    Jaunt>& Pleasure♥
    Friday 29th April
    10pm - 4am
    £6 advance - Resident Advisor
    £10 OTD
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