Addicted! TO EBAY......av spent a fortune,does ne1 else find it addictive?theres always something to buy that u always busy bidding on a new leather trim 4 me car,if a get it,al save £150 on the same item me mates got 4 sale..(any excuse to keep wor lass happy)...
Re: Addicted! Dont get me started, i spend a total fortune on clothes on E-BAY, infact i cannot remember the last time i went clothes shopping into an actual shop lol.
I think its the exact opposite, especially if your importing from overseas for example i purchased a biker jacket from Canda for £35 including shipping i walk into Topman and they are like £150 and nowhere near as smart as the one i got !
theres the difference, you shop at topman - I wouldn't wish that on my enemies. wer'e on about different kinds of clothes - you buy shite - I buy quality
At what point did i mention i shopped at Topman arse bandit ??? my arse hair has more style than you "wannabe"
lol regardless of your clothes with phrases like "wanna be" your always going to look a cock. 1. Your in topman - so i assumed you shopped there. 2. You consider topman expensive - most don't. 3. Your clothes look similar to topman clothes.
i bought a grey scarf from topman, bargain at £7. even the kim jones stuff @ topman is fairly shit though.
1. I was in Topman with my mate who was buying a t-shirt for his younger brother 2. I consider a jacket that is horrendous in there for £150 expensive yes. 3. you have never ever seen any of my clothes so in finishing your making yourself look a stuck up prick again.....well done !!!!