Promise Changes! SO! Can any1 tell me wot's gonna happen in Hull now? I've bin told by the Eat Your Words crew that the Fez club IS being sold...
1 is a sample from RIPPED OUT by th RIOT BROTHERS, it's reflective of GUYVER (RIOT BROS) being the best thing to come out of Hull,where I live!...
Tis indeed a chame that M.I.K.E. & AIRWAVE was cancelled, but I am VERY much looking forward to what will be one of the best nights my city has...
After viewing Mr.Revel's link for DJ PORTIA SURREAL, I would like to add my voice to the cries for her booking! Can we have her in Hull though...
Promise has massively boosted my 'nites out here in Hull' enjoyment level as I was gettin bored! All the Promise Hull nights have bin wicked n...
Is that hopefully yr comin down to lovely Hull for Promise vs Technique DJs?
HMMMM, was more lookin 4wrd 2 GKGG anyway!!! ;)
Reckon a change wud b gud 4 Carrick tho, he's got potential! Defoe,now there's REAL potential! Dunno bout bein better than Bellamy,but he's prob...
SERIOUSLY considerin doin that! Ferry on Friday, then M.I.K.E. & AIRWAVE on Saturday! Sounds very VERY cool! ;)
Cool, speak to u bout that nearer the time then!
Yeah, forgot about EMERTON, he's wicked! Not heard Carrick n Defoe bin mentioned, they'll b gud additions!
Re: Re: Re: Summer Sound System???? At the risk of soundin dumb, how was last year's event a fuck-up?
Yeah I was, but had to leave early so was only there 4 bout half his set! GUTTED! I aint seen Ferry b4 neither, he's at top of my wish-list of...
So,u gonna come down for the friendly? Will u b comin with other ppl? Wanna meet 4 post-match discussion?
Re: Re: Promise vs Technique DJs :o IS HE????? GUTTED!!!! Hmmmm,wonder if I can get up there for that 1 n cum back for ours!
4 main transfer targets r apparently: Simao Sabrosa (Portuguese winger-quality) Kleberson (Brazilian m'fielder-quality-Bobby's bin after him 4...
Promise vs Technique DJs YEP YEP YEP! The next Promise event in Hull, June 7th, I think! John O'Bir Richard Tulip M.I.K.E. (PUSH) & AIRWAVE...
Yeah I go to the odd Hull City game, I have to kinda support them as they're my home team! Although I'm not actually from Hull! When I go to this...
Anyway Mr.Miller, wot did Hull smell like wen u came here? And wot was yr reason 4 invadin this smelly city?
Yeah, Beautiful South r MOSTLY from Hull,sum originate from other places but moved to Hull early on n adopted it! See,here's the strange thing!...
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