Thurs - all dayer in edinburgh for my mates 21st Fri - hopefully Turbulence Saturday - Dave Seaman at Shindig Sunday - wish I was dead...
UEFA charge FA again... Thank fuck the FA are finally standing up for...
:lol: A mate did it on a pub crawl round leeds and I thought it was quite original. Surprised he didn't take a kicking though tbh....
Re: Re: Fancy Dress Ideas Predictable. Instead do the same, coat the top half in tomato ketchup and go as a used tampon.
Re: Markus Schulz @ Dopler, Bratislava (16.09.06) Looks quality!! I fucking love Helsinki Scorchin' :love: :love:
Plans for the Weekend?!?! What's everyone up to then? For me.... Friday - trip down to Cambridge for the Oxford match (fucking Cambridge...
Those are some right line-ups :o
Quality photos mate, looks like a mint summer :D
Re: Re: Junior:G any reports?? Without rising to the obvious bait I asked because for various reasons I went to Wax:On on friday. Personally...
And that's being generous...
:lol: Mug! In comparison I polished off a pizza, got a lift home with the rest and woke up on saturday feeling surprisingly healthy!! So not...
Glad it went well Danny!
Aye, I saw Mac Zimms at Dance Valley with Scott Mac and he fucking destroyed it! Is this on the 10th??
Junior:G any reports?? How was on friday? Busy?? Next months line-up??
Was a top night without doubt - both the Camp and Digital were fucking heaving!! Did Erol play a remix of Kasabian? I have a vague memory of being...
Arguably the most reasoned post on this board in a long time. Fact is Junior:G's line-ups have (in my humble opinion) been better than this Gods...
Just remembered his exploits during one of his Wembley Masters Final appearances.... 7-3 down to Fergal O'Brian, Hunter went off for the...
Purely for O'bir though as Oakenfold's been the biggest pile of overrated shit the last couple of times i've seen him. Hopefully he'll pull it...
We'll be there from the first tune to the last....'s the stuff dreams are made of :wink:
Always seemed like a top bloke who liked to have a laugh whilst playing. RIP
Separate names with a comma.