Not to keen on the new single and i'm sick to death of the last ablum but will probably end up going if I can get a ticket. they were class at NME last year.
i hate people who do that... i want to beat them very hard :evil: real fans can't get tickets at a decent price cos of them
sorry but after having to pay £50 for greenday, £50 for ashcroft all cos the tix went on sale on a weekday & cos the touts & students got the tickets... it upsets me greatly if u wanted to u cud...but i'd flick u in the head if i saw u... nah...they were wicked at leeds tho
I'm keen for this - anyone know the exact date? Or indeed who's the agency selling them online? Cheers
i love it when poeple whinge about people selling tickets on ebay etc, knowing full well that if someone offered them up to 5 times the original price that they would clearly sell
would i fuck.... i buy tickets for gigs i want to go to...not ones i can flog my tickets for... proper fans wouldn't sell
Forget about the Killers, Dirty Pretty Things on sale Friday!! Ruth - I'm ashamed to admit that I've bought tickets to flog on ebay... was Take That though so not sure it counts
I saw dirty pretty things at leeds fucking awesome so u r the reason i missed out on Take That....Damm you git