Roll Call! ok.. so with everyone having too much fun on the board and generally being abusive to each other. noone seems to know whos going tonight? so who am i likely to bump into tonight?
Cogan said he'd be there tonight but he's a fucking nut so u never know with that kid. Only jokin of course - Yeah I'll be there
Come on Al! Come on! Come on! Come on! Oh I'm going aswell now - wasn't gonna but news of DJ comp has made me smile so going out now! Think Al & 1 eye should join us too!
nice one, will have to come meet u tonight sequoia.. don't think we've met before. or if we have i apologise, i was most likely pissed out of my face and don't rememeber.
aye will do, i was gonna say look for the most pissed person in there. but i will be sober tonight as i'm driving
Getting into the heats I'd say i should be there.. but with 1 week to payday and only a tenner in me pocket.. I'll have to wait till next week to celebrate - fate may make exceptions but money never does. Have a good one guys and gals.. Go have a mad one for me!
Sorry i let ya down ppl... I was so gutted i couldnt come, i was so lookin forward to it, but events conspired against me... Wish me luck with my job mission 2moro, and hopefully this problem wont happen again!! :groovy: :cyber: