Holidays? Anybody been away recently or going away shortly? Those who have been, obviously where have you been and what was it like? And those who are going shortly, where are you going / how long for etc. Just got back from Faliraki in the early hours of yesterday morning after two weeks and to say I'm gutted to be home would be a massive understatement. Its never been a place that I've fancied going to mainly because of the reputation it had, but we booked up at the beginning of February simply because it was probably the cheapest deal we could have found....think we paid just over £330 each for the fortnight. The resort itself, if I'm being honest was a bit of a dump with loads of barron land and run down buildings and was quite a bit quieter than I expected, whether that was due to it being the end of the season or the fact that the 18-30 WaCkY bUnCh have found pastures new I'm not so sure. A lot of the clubs and bars seemed rather quiet with a couple of the clubs not being fully open, and the resort was generally dead during the day...alcohol induced comas me thinks. What was really overwhelming was the friendliness of the Greek people, which played a big part in making the holiday as good. The family running the studios we stayed in were absolutely fantastic. Extremely helpful, and provided hours of entertainment for everyone staying there. Rest of the guests were really great too, mostly just taking the piss out of our accents If I could go back tomorrow, I'd be on the plane like a shot. Probably haven't done it justice here, but a seriously enjoyable holiday! Now, over to you...
got back from ibiza 2 weeks ago nothing but amazing drank loads went out loads witnessed some of the best sets i have ever heard quality banter etc etc rollo n the full summer out there next year
Went to Ibiza a couple of years back, and would have gone there instead of Faliraki if given the choice at the time of booking as I had such a good time then. For whatever reason though, the Faliraki trip even surpassed that. Probably down to the banter with the people staying in the same place as us.
havent conetemplated going anywhere else yet love ibiza to mch falaraki just remids me of cheap dirt slags etc out for a shag like def wont be visiting there lol and we paid about 327 for two weeks peak season and then got uprgraded to private apartments
I fell in love with Ibiza too....just sorta has that appeal I guess. I can remember people telling me that San Antonio was an absolute shithole before I went and it was anything but. The harbour area was absolutely stunning and the majority of places seemed to be really clean. It was actually the end of the season when we went, so there wasn't a great deal open...nightclubs in the main were all shut, but we made our own fun so it didn't really put a dampener on it. I had the same impression of Faliraki before I went, as well as beer boy wankers out to cause bother but it seriously wasn't like that. I imagine there will have been a few of them about, but the majority of people just seemed to be there to have a good time which was a pleasant surprise. That sounds like an excellent deal for Ibiza. We tried to get booked up for the same two weeks that we've been to Faliraki and the travel agents were quoting us prices of £500-600 which was the main reason we chose Greece.
Cant believe its only a couple of weeks since we've been back, feels like ages ago now. Cant wait for next year, defo going back. My hairdressers going in a few weeks for the Pasha and Space closing parties, well jelious wish I was going
Re: Holidays? Yeah been away to Geneva in April, up the mountains . Went for a diiiirty weekend in Scarborough. And in one week today, we are EVENTUALLY going on our main holiday to Hong Kong then down to Southern Thailand. Only been planning it a year, so fairly excited. Got so much planned We're also going to Malaga for 4 days in November for a break
i know feels like an age might see if purvy will take me as his date lol just to go back and aye next year is 1000 % def that im there
Went to Faliraki for the day in 2002 (we were staying in Rhodes Town) I thought it was nice, but then again I didnt see what it was like in the evening. It was nice and quiet, the beach was beautiful.... we went to this water park nearby which was also cool and went on a banana boat which was hilarious. Just got back from Ibiza and I think it's safe to say that I'll be going back there next year
Yeah, the beach in Faliraki was really nice and stretched for quite a way too although we spent more time just lazing around by the pool. We went to the waterpark as well which was fantastic. I've been to a few over the years and never been to one as good as this one. The slides were great, but the wave pool with the rubber rings was even better!
me an the lads are goin to budapest for me 21st in november!!!!! any1 been??? aint got a clue what its like