think its last nite 2nite personally i think its bollox like,,,but me m8 went an it cost him a fookin Tenner for a blast on a ride!!
Sick of people bad mouthing the hoppings, pisses me off, and the majority of the time they don't even actually go yet still feel the need to slag it off without knowing what they are talking about. YES alot of charves hang around there, but this year they have been exceptionally well behaved with very few arrests. They tend to argue amongst themselves. Several hundred thousand people have visited the fair this week, its the minority thats charves. I've been going for years and never had a spot of bother. ONE 'ride' charges a tenner, and thats the reverse bunjee, which is what you would pay where ever you do it. The rest of the thrill rides, ba one which is £4, are £2 to £2.50. I always find it rediculous how people go on about it being a 'rip off' yet gladly spend upwards of 50 quid on a night out, ending up being fucked for a few days after. It's their livelyhoods, it's a massive business, and obviously theres alot of people who don't regard it as a rip off, otherwise they wouldnt have their flash cars. The showmen work damn hard and deserve better than ignorant people bad mouthing what they do. Lighen the fuck up chaps!! edit: Finishes 2nite Cole, we don't get a second Sunday anymore unfortunatley.
Just went and had a god laugh loads of the rides only cost a £1 in happy hour times and the rest 2 or 3 i only like the side stall anyway
I went on wednesday it was a lush day and I had a pretty good time, till I whitey'd on the first ride I went on cause I get really bad motion sickness, still wnet on the rapids and dodgems and had a greasy burger.
Been a couple of times. Seen quite a lot of charvers but they don't borrow me really.... all drank cans in the streets and went fairs when we was younger didn't we, still do me!! Fair is quite good like, only rip offs are the side stalls.. impossible to win man! Some mint rides there like.. well happy!
Not gypo, no gypo relatives. Actually the showmen arn't gypos anyway There are proper gypos there with their dodgy palm reading caravans like. The majority of the showmen who own the rides are just like anybody else. I just have a keen interest in the fair business and it just annoys me when people make false statements. Like anything really, if some arse came on here bad mouthing promise and stereotyping all those who like and go to Promise as drug taking monkeys then that would get on peoples nerves too. There are some mint rides tbh, in fairness when they can cost up to 1 million quid (Top Buzz for example) then paying 2.50 a ride isn't bad. Rant over