aw is your mam having one...?!? class!! speak in a bit!! am in library btw so u couldnt ring me at me ur number babe xxxx
2moro, sunbathing all day and then to promise hopefully. saturday - think im off to a mates to see her new flat and probs having a bbq if weathers nice. sunday - nowt as of yet, probs end up being stuck in the house
Friday night: Not sure yet. Options are as follows: 1. Go out in Durham for drinks and a curry 2. Go to Newcastle to see Lee and go to Promise for a bit 3. Stay in and drink vodka with my housemates Will prob be 3, as I'm dead skint Saturday: Uni work then off to Godskitchen to see Mr Armin Van Buuren :groovy: Sunday: Subway City after Gods I suppose, then Travel back from Brum and recover Monday: Off placement THANKGOD! So recovering and more uni work and hopefully see Lee
Fri- Promise Sat- Recover for some of the day weather isnt too good as per forecast! Sat night - mates leaving party so another night of vodka! Sunday- BBQ at mine of nice and a few more vodka's as off work for 2 weeks! :groovy:
Ol' man dodgy needs all his strength trying to keep the chicken from running away... shan't be oot and aboot for a while...