weekend Dont think i have seen thread for this weekend (apart from the promise ones) So whats everyone doing?
fri - drinkin lots of wine then off to promise :wiggle: sat - drinkin lots of wine then down to sheilds to sarahs sun - erm drinkin wine maybe?? :spangled: i dunno prob pub or sunday dinner or chillin :groovy:
of course theres lots of wine involved in our weekend sessions its the only way to be paul mason and 15 bottles of just get us through i iamgine
I have nothing planned yet, hope something come sup I cannot be arsed sitting in with the parents all weekend :cry2:
Tonight - out for a meal Friday - Promise Saturday - ? Sunday - ? Then my weekend continues because I'm off all of next week.
Me too! What time ya heading over for? Friday, Promise WOOP!! Saturday, Recover Get the bairn on the afternoon and then to Sarah's for abit Sunday, if its nice, maybe the beach with the little un, somewhere nice where I can improve my tan