does anyone want itckets for frantic at tall trees? ive been dumped with a load and if you need one just let me know.
yeah goodgreef is in late august while this saturday its Culture as normal, with only scott bond, no matty H. there is no frantic event as far as i know.
whats goin on wiv the trees at the moment wiv all these good dj's n line ups ey??!! so is it this saturday that scotty bond n matty h are on then??!! i'll probs buy a couple of tickets off ya if ma mates r up 4 goin..... xxxx
who were u chatting to, as anna is ibiza at the moment? the rest of the staff up there a cluesless gimps!
no 'tis exactly the same people as was last summer. just they've been persuased to take a different approach!