I am going back to school! Right i am 25....been to college more times than i care to remember and only actually completed 1 full year from about 6 different courses. I havent been to college for a while though....i have been considering it for a while but impossible due to working hours etc... BUT...i start an OU degree in June AND i am mega excited!!!
it's great cos i do everything from home, my major problem with college in the past was travelling and expense....so with this i wont have a problem i reckon! BRING IT ON!
:clap: thats class, think i am going to go back part time in september too, finally 5 years after leaving school i think im actually mature enough to take college seriously
I know what you mean, i suddenly have an idea of what i might want to do with my life! I've only changed my mind about 40,000 times in the last 25 years...but at last i think i've cracked it! What you doing Graham?
not 100% sure yet, either going to do a foundation degree course in media, which i was accepted to do a couple years back, or spend a year getting better A-level's before starting a full degree. Going to a open night next month to see what they thinks best!! what u doing your degree in??
Im gonna look into The OU like. My friend at work is doing a course and she says its a great way to work around work, if that makes sense And not too expensive. Good luck
i need to get myself down to one of those. where and when graham if you dont mind me asking im not a stalker lol
it depends where you want to go mate, im going to the one at Ncl college, cos they do both foundation degree/HND's, and A-levels there too, and do full and part time. theres an open night/day just after the A-level results come out, not 100% sure on exact date though, back end of june sometime.
I think I'm going back into education in September, after 2 years off. I'll be working full time as well though so I'm going to be pretty busy. :spangled:
I went back to college after 5 yrs out in September to do an OU Foundation Degree course in Public Admin. I get it paid for through work, and get day release to go to college. Schweeeeeet! Enjoying being back at college even if it is only for a day per week, but not really enjoying the assignments. On doing two which have to be in on Monday and I've done very little up to press. Last minute cramming is the future Anyone know anything about two tier vs. unitary authorities?
I thought this would be the case for me but its not. The college is simply one for further education, so basically you've got anything from 16+. However, the majority of people in my class are actually older than me and are all fairly sound. The college in general has its fair share of drongos like The younger burberry clad warriors still insist on smoking behind the bike sheds even though they're obviously old enough to smoke
I finish uni in 2 weeks, cant wait, sick of coursework and revising Will probs change my mind tho once I'm back in the real world of work and want to be a student again
I'm doing a foundation course till Oct on Social Sciences then start a degree focused around media/PR/social science etc OU is great cos you get to choose each level you do to get your qualification, so you can tailor the subjects to keep it as you want it and the prices arent rediculous
i'm counting the days till i'm a student again.. and i haven't got any problems with 18 year olds... the workload over 12 months is pretty harsh tho... 3 x 2000 word essay 5 x 2 hour exam 2 x design projects 1 x group design project 1 x 30 min seminar delivered 1 x published seminar paper 3 x 2000 word report 2 x 3000 word report 1 x international field study and finally... 1 x 15,000 dissertation... and i'm paying 3k for the privelege??
hmmm, mite look into the OU as well actually, where did u get ur info from?? is there a website or something???
My mam is a lecturer for the OU so she helped me find my way round the site, it's www.open.ac.uk they do look as though they have some good courses best hurry tho, foundation courses have to be registered by 18/05/05 cost about £80.... go on the site and click on 'Study at the OU' then click on 'social sciences' then click on 'courses' the one i'm doing is 'Understanding social sciences' but there are others there related to it if you fancy something else..... for the degree descriptions look below the foundation bit in a section headed 'level 1'. My first year module for the degree is the one called 'an introdution into the social sciences: understanding social change' and this course starts in Oct....if you have a look around it tells you what certain subjects will lead to....i.e. mine is Media, PR, etc etc let me know how you get on