smoking with all the media hype to get people to stop smoking was wondering if its had an effect i still smoke but have cut down until im out on the drink or whatever probably smoke more Js than tabs during the week tho so how many smokers are still out there.
i smoke. not a lot. only when i'm getting wrecked. i'm not keen on the new laws that are being planned - cause i like it - but it's for peoples health so i can't really argue. it'll be a good thing in the long run - i just don't like being told what to do by this nanny state government. on one hand they say cigs are fine - buy them and they collect 95% tax on them... then on the other hand they say "it's bad - u cost the NHS money, you're poluting other peoples air" WTF? hypocrits.
think any1 that can be addicted to this is weak - weak to not be or want to stop and weak for starting in the first place - crap habit (in ref to chain smokers)
So for you, being the occasional smoker, it's ok. because you're not addicted!!! I smoke, unfortunately. not as much as I used to but defo smoke more when I'm pissed. Or bored!!!
I'm going to the docs tomorrow to get patches....on last packet of fags now..... Need to stop tho, have a terrible smokers cough....
I personally think occassional smoking is worse, as you don't have the NEED to smoke but do for social effects, whereas if you're addicted you feel that you NEED one, I would imagine. I for one have never smoked and never will, but that is my opinion
Smoking is a disgusting habit end of! It just shows how addicted you are, when you say 'I only smoke when i drink or when im pissed'
bollocks - if i have 3 tabs wen i'm out its doin no damage at all hardly whereas if you're a chain smoker by the time your 40 ur lungs are fuked. I don't do if or social reasons either - when i'm fuked it feels nice
i like it. i know i'm addicted and would find it hard to quit - but i've got ZERO will power. hypnotheraopy here i come in a few years when it's illegal to smoke out in pubs/clubs
I must admit im guilty of this but i wouldnt say i was addicted. I find smoking vile until ive had a drink. Probably because research shows that nicotine holds off the sedative effects that alcohol has on the body and boosts the "pleasureable" effects of the alcohol, strange but supposedly true
I've never smoked and never will I think it's absolutly disgusting, makes me sick wish I could make my house a none smoking area, but little dave, jeff and DMD are never gonna give up smoking so It'll just have to be my bedroom.
Never smoked either n dont suppose i ever will. Really pleased ill never hav the problem of having to quit x