its a mystery of the world i don't know anyone whos seen a baby pigeon or a pregnant chinese woman!! :think:
i was having this convo with a friend & her sister knew someone who went to hippy green for several days in a row to see a baby pigeon... they saw a glimse of 1!
When i used to go fishing i went under the pier and as i was walking a Pigeon flew out of a hole ... i looked in and there was a baby pigeon in there ...
ive only seen a dead one (baby pigeon, not pregnant chinese woman) altho have seen young pigeons alive and with all there feathers and abuot to fly ones theyre sweet
I've seen one that had just left its nest in a roof top, tried to fly away but couldnt and ended up sliding down the roof and ending up in the gutter
aaahhh! ive never seen a baby pigeon, but wen i was a baba @ primary cshool, we had little chickens that we incubated and watched them hatch. i can always remember that, we all got really attached to them and all cried when they got taken away!
When i was on an Army survival exercise they gave us rations up till this one day then gave us a rabbit between two (which inevitabley was gonna be Tea!) we had to look after this ickle bunny for 24hrs, feed it, stroke it etc etc then once we got attached to it kill it and eat it! Blatant mind games :evil: