Halloween happy halloween ! lol ¬ anyone had any halloweeners at the door yet? ive just had about 20 and its not even dark yet thieving bastards :evil:
Not yet - but I was conrnered by a 'penny for the guy' scam as I left Neto the other night...I gave the wee scamp two pence - it was the only change I had:laugh:
ive just got loads of sweets to give them theyre so ungratful tho u give them lush sweets (which i'd much rather have formyself) and they look at you like youre a piece of poo they can keep the fuk off the haribo horror mix tho
lol im so bored and cant be arsed with college woerk i might make some 'punch' and give them that just orange juice with bits of apple in like
Thomas went trick or treating dressed as eeyore I'm a cruel mum. He is now dressed as a devil waiting to hand out sweets with his grandma!
It was only acceptable to go trick or treating when I was young enough to do it Now it's just begging
Agreed. It's weird that though, isn't it? I reckon it should be illegal for anyone over the age of 12 to go trick or treating.
Havent had any as yet. mum's bought a load of sweetsto give them but I'm hoping we don't get any then I can eat them all