detox opinions ive been advised to do like a 5 day detox (bit gurly i know but i kinda have to) BUUUUT ive got no idea where to look for a guide or something to show me how to do it properly, anyone know?? and i dont want to use something off the net coz theres hundreds of different pieces of info so who knows which is right i know Boots have some stuff but dont think they have like a guide thanks in advance
Re: detox opinions fuck knows, ive just decided im packing everyting in for a few months, start eating healty and get more exercise etc, hopefully that will do the trick
You get some shit from boots that you have one drink a day and a tablet. You just don't drink or take anything for 5days and aparently you get detoxified
Those are a load of crap - all they are is a mild diuretic and vitamin A + C (Antioxidants) If you want to detox properly... eat nothing but steamed chicken and green vegeatables for a week. Drink dandelion root tea and gallons of water, and take 2 multivitamins a day (crunch them in your mouth and swallow) Detox on the cheap
blocked up sinus's (sp), throat/nose/eye problem thingy, sorta stems from having poor lymphatic drainage problems??? apparantly im blocked up and theres nowhere for my sinus's and stuff can drain to, so its getting blocked up LOL the theory is if i detox my system, any crap thats blocked up else where will be drained too, making me feel great yay have to do it this wknd tho coz Zabiela is on the 6th!
Your having one of the "im stopping this shit and sorting myself out" thoughts ... its just part of getting older ... soory if i misunderstood you but ive been through it ... didnt detox though ... just call me Chemical Drum! ha ha
lemsip?? bah this is a much more deep rooted problem than a stuffy nose maybe going for acupuncture too, and if i can brave it, colonic irrigation
colonic :crazy: chug lemsip like a deranged lemsip junkie, get some vicks, a bowl of scorchio water n a towel... stick vicks in scorchio water and breathe until you cant possibly take it any longer. if that dont clear ur sinuses, erm... i dunno, get em manually drained? i would rather have a needle up me nose than a hose pipe up me ring. :crazy: