was well funny when gazza started practicing his celebrations after he ran threw them all, the ball was outta play n he was runnin with his arm up n stuff
I seen at least five different woman with binoculaurs or night vision goggles. It was stalker centrleville. Pictorial evidence to come.
Re: Re: Stalker action me and marty both reckon we've never seen a mexican wave last as long as the one last night like, went round the ground about 6 times!!
Re: Re: Re: Stalker action i was on about that earlier with one of the lasses in the office!!!! now Ness, be honest, you were doing it as well
Re: Re: Stalker action I nearly pissed myself laughing at this one, she was almost crawling about for the best angle on Robbie Williams. I'm sending that in to soccer AM.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Stalker action whey aye, havent even seen one for years never mind taken part!!! was gutted when i missed it the last time it came round!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Stalker action streakers were quite funny as well, doing forward rolls then tryin to shake hands with the un-impressed Bryan Robson :
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Stalker action they even had their hands over their bits, not surprised like, cannot imagine them bein very "proud" in that temperature!!
not happy they let that twat robbie williams in, what a nob, blatently stole the 'celebs' thunder by being there, every1 focused on him insted of the real stars of the night, what a prick
dont let loopy hear u dissing "Robert Peter Williams", she wont be happy and she's got a hell of a temper!
argh i hate him so much!! theres a girl at work who worships him so im well trained in the defence of my views on the 'fat dancer from take that' hohoho wish he'd just fuck off back to america and stay there
lmao @ "fat dancer from take that"!!! btw, love the sig, lu showed me the site that its all on and i was pissin meself. think she's got somethin in her sig too bout ninjas flippin out!!
he's obviously having sex with some sort of furry defenceless animal, its trying to escape from under his chest