could seriously do with some DJ's advice please dunno what mixer to get... Allen & Heath Xone 32 - £425 Allen & Heath Xone 62 - £695 32 has 3 channels, 62 has 4 62 has up-rated filters i think, although iv been told they aint that different 62 looks and apparantly sounds abit better i aint used either so thats why im asking... can anyone help me decide if its worth the extra money for the 62, or is there really not much difference? thanks in advance
Ive never used a 32 but i fucking love my 62 Play around on them both if you can, thats your best bet
I think the larger one is the one they have in space in leeds. Its fu*kin lush to mix on!!! The only ting that annoys me in the volume lights thing, there is only four!!
If it's just for your bedroom, I'd def get a 32 over a 62- I had a 62 and it's good but really not worth the extra money, the 32 only has 1 filter and 3ch EQ but has much better crossfader curve and also has lfo for the filters which can be used to give good effects. If it's just your bedroom setup, you'll probably not be able to hear the difference in sound quality between the 2 so really, unless you'd need 4 channels, I'de get the cheaper one.
cheers mate thats good info, it is just gona be for my room atm, probably use it elsewhere in the near future tho, 3/4 channel thing dusnt bother me either way tho one thing i was wonderin tho, u sed about the LFO filters, is that not on the 62?
I think they are. Depends on what you play as well...I love having the extra control of having 4 eq''s great for mixing techno.
well im getting an EFX 500 aswell, some1 sed id be able to compensate for the filters on the 32/62 with the efx500 anyway?
but then you must wonder if it is worth getting the efx 500, as the efx 1000 is coming out around xmas time....mmmm....
lol ahh i dont wana wait til xmas tho, been waiting farrrr too long for this setup think il probs jus go for the 32 as it seems both mixers are pretty similar bar a few things that aint worth the extra £250 cheers for the advice ppl
Both decks have filters, the 62 has 1 filter for each side of the crossfader whilst the 32 just has one overall. THe 62 def doesn't have an lfo option where you can tap in the filter cycle, the 32 does.
HAve you seen the price of the 1000? I saw 970 dollars, apparently it's cos of the sound quality but it doesn't have much more faetures than the 500 and it doesn't have the EQ controls and isolators. i hadn't seen the price anywhere, i knew it was going to be expensive though! probably not woth paying as you won't be able to tell the difference in sound wuality unless it's in a club
THat's what I thought, they're re-releasing the efx500 but it's red now- wouldn't be surprised if they'd hiked the price for the new paintjob!